The press![]() In 1995 a daily newspaper entirely written in Galician, O Correo Galego, was launched. Following on from this, in June 1995, the Galician Parliament passed a Green Paper whereby both the Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) and the Parliament itself would appeal to the media to give out their news items in Galician. Notwithstanding this scarcity of Galician in the written press, various studies have been carried out dealing with this question and at the same time other publications are also appearing which are proving to be of great use to journalists wanting to to carry out their daily work in Galician. The birth of the Faculty of Information Sciences (Journalism), which has so far produced two promotions of students, will have to fulfill a decisive role in the training and qualification of our journalists of the future as regards the normal usage of our language. With respect to the non-daily press, Galician is only used in a minority of publications. However, there has been a clear increase since 1977 and after several frustrated attempts such as those of the journals Teima and Mancomún, in the number of weekly journals on general subjects (A Nosa Terra) and on specialist subjects (Revista Galega de Educación, A Trabe de Ouro, Cadernos da Lingua, Análise Empresarial, Irimia, Encrucillada, Luzes de Galicia, Olisbos, Dorna, Revista de Literatura, Natureza Galega, Galicia Internacional...) which are printed entirely in the Galician language. |
![]() Galician is most used in specialist magazines. ![]() A Nosa Terra is a weekly newspaper having been published since 1977. |